
Ein Al-Basha, Amman
Get In Touch
Call us: +962 6 5344 780
Address: Ein Al-Basha, Amman, Jordan

We pride ourselves in our continuing development which has increased the trust of the Jordanian consumer in the products of the Company.


Ein Al-Basha, Amman, Jordan
+962 6 5344 780

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About Our Farm

The Jordanian Agricultural and Animal Investment Union Company launched a project to establish a dairy farm in Al-Halabat area to produce raw milk and send it to the company's factories for processing and marketing. The company imported 1200 cows from Sweden and Australia. Delafal type, and cows have been built for cows and herd growing for 3300 heads on an area of ​​300 dunums until the daily production amounts to 60 tons of raw milk and the company is developing the farm herd and renewed annually through the latest methods of naturalized pollination and import feel N breeds for pollination of cows also in the project of the company plant desalination of drinking water, which helps to increase production and give excellent quality of raw milk.

  • Location

    The Farm is located in al-hallabat area near al-hallabat Palace in Zarqa.
  • Farm Landscape

    320 Donom
  • Yearly Productive Capacity

    28800 ton of Raw Milk
  • Cows number


  • Feeding

    30 ton a day of Corn clover,yellow corn,barley,Bran and Fodder
  • Automatic milking machine

    2 delaval automatic milking machine (58 primary milking machine and 28 secondary milking machine)
  • Feeding Method

    By using mixers on tractors 4 Mixers and 4 tractors
  • Babby Cows Nursery

    2 Nurseries each one hold 250 Incubation

  • Water Well

    Produces 500 cubic meters per day with a cistern and desalination station for drinking water
  • Employees

    65 Employee and 20 Administrators
  • Care

    our cows are vaccinated yearly against epidemic diseases such as respiratory diseases and viral intestinal disease
  • MILK Tanks

    The fresh raw milk moved every day to company factory
Our address

Ein Al-Basha, Amman, Jordan

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